


In a pilgrimage that crosses half a country, a group of prisoners set free for a short time with one chance to show their true servants’ hearts...


A unique and unified approach to serving prisoners and their families in Egypt is changing lives. Hand in Hand sees Christians and Muslims working together and delivering hope for a better future...


In a country of over a billion, a single story of redemption has begun a movement that grows in the unlikeliest surroundings...


Overcrowding and inhumane conditions have taken a terrible toll on prisoners in Benin...


Once deemed the most dangerous institute on the planet, Colombia's Medellin Prison has now been wrestled from the control of the drug cartels by the transforming power of the gospel...


Life in the backstreets of Belize is hard, but even harder when you're fresh out of prison...


When a parent is jailed in Bolivia, the entire family often find themselves forced to join them in prison simply to survive...


What is hope?..


In Honduras, a country struck with severe poverty, Prison Fellowship has provided much needed food and job training through a flourishing prison Hydroponics project...


The GEO Trust in Ghana gives ex-prisoners a real opportunity for employment, support for their families, and restoration to society...

The Journey of Hope

A programme for UNHCR that illustrates the realities of refugee resettlement by joining three families on their journey from Africa to New Zealand...

Exposure International Ltd

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